John Hay PTSA Meeting
January 22, 2024
6:30pm - Call to order
Approval of Nov/Dec Membership Meeting minutes
Approval of proposed Jan/Feb Membership Meeting agenda
Every Child Wins!
Jan. 29 - Feb. 9
$150,000 Fundraising Goal
Ms. Hansen producing video
School assembly kick-off on Jan. 29 at 3pm. All families are invited to attend!
Board Vacancies
After School Enrichment Chair
Erika Rubenson
From Bylaws:
“If a vacancy occurs in a local PTA or council office, the executive committee may appoint a member to fill the vacancy until the next membership meeting. At the next membership meeting nominations shall be made from the floor with the consent of the nominee. The election shall be by ballot vote. A majority vote is necessary to elect. The election may be by voice vote if only one candidate is nominated for an office. The newly elected officer shall immediately assume the duties of the office. “
Nominations from the floor:
Greg Szeto
After School Enrichment Update (Erika)
Update on programs
Call for volunteers
Cultural Heritage Night Update (Chisaki & Aida)
English survey:
Spanish survey:
Treasurer’s Report (Michael)
Budget and Actuals update
Membership Update
Time to renew!
Mark Your Calendars
1/26 - School Concert, 6pm
3/11 - March/April PTSA Membership Meeting, 6:30pm
3/15 - Cultural Heritage Night
4/19 - Rock Paper Scissors Tournament
5/20 - May PTSA Membership Meeting, 6:30pm
6/7 - Carnival
6/17 - PTSA Membership Meeting, 6:30pm - Board Elections
Principal’s Report (Dr. Morisco)
7:30pm - Adjourn
Good of the Order
KidsCo Mid-Winter Registration
Next Meeting: March 11, 6:30pm