John Hay days to note

Throughout the year, John Hay hosts numerous events for the students and their families so we can come together as a community.
These include concerts, dances, athletic events, Parent Education nights, and, of course, our fabulous annual Auction. Once the event is past, don't forget to visit these pages again for an event recap, including pictures!
Jaguar Jog
Monster Mash
Hoops Tournament
Spring Dance Party
John Hay Day
Math and Game Night
Staff Appreciation Week
Welcome Back
An ENORMOUS thank you to Michelle Rudell, Gretchen Gray, Jenna Warburton, Laura Malkasian Huggins, and all of the wonderful staff members and volunteers for their exceptional hard work making this event such a success for our kids.
Another big thank you goes out to our terrific Jaguar Jog sponsors who helped underwrite the cost of those awesome Jaguar Jog t-shirts:
Sam’s Tavern
Queen Anne Manor
Congruent Software Solutions
Swink Style Bar
Boma Jewelry
Pilates ProWorks

Fun for Everyone
THANK YOU to all the families who came out for this year's 2019 Monster Mash! It was such fun sharing our spooky surprises with all of you and seeing all of your fabulous costumes.
This event wouldn’t have existed without all our John Hay community volunteers. Thank you teachers and staff for putting in an extra long day. To all the John Hay parents, students, and extended families that volunteered their time, patience, energy and talents: we are so very grateful and humbled by all your contributions. We were also thrilled with the tremendous help that our “big kid siblings and friends” gave from McClure and Hamilton Middle Schools and Ballard and Lincoln High Schools. Because of everyone’s selfless work we sold pizzas and sweets all night, gave and collected fortunes, made sure everyone was glowing for their photos, and scaring all their face paint off as they ran out of the haunted hallway and right into the safe world of Hotel Transylvania.
Thank you to Lynnwood Bowling for donating the Birthday Party Bowling gift certificate! And last, but not least, a special shout out to our bakers who blew us all away with their spooky efforts! Thank you!!! See you next year!
2021-2022 Schedule TBA
Our amazing John Hay concerts will be back once it's safe to gather in person with the ongoing effects of Covid.

id you know that our students participate in many assemblies throughout the school year (not during Covid)?
Each assembly includes a specific grade level that performs in some capacity and could also include a choir performance, student council leadership announcements, or small group performances. Due to limited space, we are asking that only parents who have children involved in an assembly attend. Please check your teacher emails, Jaguar Tracks, and social media for notifications of which classes will be participating and when.

..with the help of advertisers we dance..
Check out the link below to learn more: YouTube

Stay tuned for the 6th Annual Hoops Tournament in 2020!
Information coming in the new year...
Every year John Hay host a battle of the basketball...

The John Hay Day Carnival is coming!
Save Friday, September 27th 2019 on your calendar for this fun-filled, family event. Get ready for plenty of games, food, treats, prizes, and fun!
The event will start right after school at 2:25pm and run until 5:30pm.
Avoid the lines by getting your game/food tickets in advance at our pre-sales, September 23-26, 2019 after school on the playground.
We need many volunteers to make an amazing day for our kids.
Please use this link to volunteer.
Thank you, Jaguars!

Cultivating & Caring for Our Community
March 5, 2020
Stay tuned for more details in the new year!!

Math and Game Night is coming in April 2020!
Keep an eye out for more details to come!

There are some volunteers that are going to be making gift bags of treats and balloons for the in-house teachers and staff to enjoy. Of course any family is able to do their own thing, though please remember, due to Covid Guidelines, we have to be careful as no parents are allowed in the school building.
We are wanting to do something for all of the teachers and staff so we are looking to make a video to send out and include in the Jaguar Tracks on Friday. We are asking that parents please send an image or a small video of their students thanking the teachers and/or staff and sending it to the link below for Dropbox. It can be something as simple as even a drawing a student has made.

The 2019 John Hay Science Fair was a HUGE success!
Thank you to all the participating students and their families for supporting our young scientists!
Thank you to parent volunteers Jill Campbell and Kim Abreu for helping with set up. Getting almost 100 scientists and their projects down to the lunchroom/gym is no easy task, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
A BIG SHOUT OUT! To the parents and community members who participated in our new Special Exhibits section designed to get kids interested in hands-on and real-world science experiences. Thank you: Susan Lubetkin, Aida Hidalgo, Nguyen Duong Nhat, Kami Ahmad, Jen Thomas, Melissa Works, Justin from Play Well, and Ulises from Hack World.
All participants received a participation ribbon and are winners! We did have some special ribbons for projects at each grade level that most closely aligned with the provided judging rubric.
2019 John Hay Science Fair Results
First Place: Amelia K.
Second Place: Filip M.
Third Place: Dexter W. & Hugo G.
Honorable Mention: Ella R., Kelvin H.
First Place: Leo L. & Jaap T.
Second Place: Brady O. & Zoe P.
Third Place: Kareem M.
Honorable Mention: Sebastian A., Vivian T., Svante K.
First Place: Ella H.
Second Place: Avery W.
Third Place: Olivia B.
Honorable Mention: Yoshiho H., Nicolas R., Philippa C.
First Place: Ridhima G.
Second Place: Claire K.
Third Place: Logan H.
Honorable Mention: Elias R., Petar M.
First Place: Rahewa O. & Isabelle L.
Second Place: Zachary N. & Jacob N.
Third Place: Liam G.
Honorable Mention: Oliver F.
First Place: Tyler C.
Second Place: Andrew K.
Third Place: Ixa B. & Jillian H.
Honorable Mention: Jakob F.,
Juliana A.
Thank you to our community, our colleagues, and our students!
Science Fair Committee
Katie Kaiser, Allison Shannon, Jamie Kirkness, Kathy Aminian, Kim Crosser,
Katie Brown, Jenny Greiss, and David Tookey

We at John Hay are fortunate to have a fabulous annual musical as part of our After School Programs, produced and directed by Puget Sounds AMT.
Please visit their website at https://pugetsoundsamt.org/ for programming available during COVID-19.