FAQ for Incoming John Hay Families
Kindergarten students start school the week AFTER grades 1-5. First day for Pre-K & Kindergarten is Monday, September 9, 2024!
Drop-off and pick-up
What are the bell times?
8:50AM first bell, students line-up and are escorted by teachers into classrooms.
8:55AM instruction start
3:25PM dismissal; 2:10PM early dismissal (Wednesdays)
How does drop-off work?
Drop-off starts at 8:35AM.
Cars bringing K-5 students should drop off at the front of the school on Garfield St (aka Hay Way) between 3rd Ave N and Nob Hill Ave N and enter the playground through the side gate. Cars bringing PK students should drop-off in front of the PK entrance between 2nd Ave N and 3rd Ave N and enter the PK playground through the PK side gate.
Buses drop-off on Garfield St and students will be met by staff.
Walking: Students can enter the playground directly from either Galer or Garfield St. During inclement weather, staff may direct students to the cafeteria.
Students will play and chat with friends until the first bell. Parents and families are encouraged to do the same. It's a great chance to get to know other students, families, teachers, and staff!
Students arriving after 8:55AM will be marked tardy and need to enter via the front door and sign-in.
NOTE: Do not park in front of the school anywhere on Garfield, which is used for both PK and K-5 drop-off.
How does pickup work?
Students are dismissed at 3:25PM except for early dismissal at 2:10PM Wednesdays.
Locations and procedures for pickup are the same as drop-off.
Gates to the playground typically open around 3:20PM.
NOTE: Do not park in front of the school anywhere on Garfield, which is used for both PK and K-5 pick-up.
What do I do if I need to pick up my student early?
Enter via the front (ring the doorbell) and sign your student out. The front office will call for your student. Playground gates are locked during the school day.
Who do I need to contact if my student will be absent?
Email your teacher and johnhay.attendance@seattleschools.org or call the front office.
How do I contact SPS transportation?
Please visit the SPS transportation website - https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/transportation/.
School day and calendar details
When is the first/last day of school? When is school closed? What holidays are observed?
First day of school
September 4th - 1st - 5th Grade
September 9th - Preschool and Kindergarten
Last day of school: June 18th (1 hour early dismissal)
Full SPS calendar here (PDF)
What should my student bring on the first day of school?
Backpack (not needed for PK)
Spare clothes in a bag labeled with student’s name (left at school)
Lunch (if not purchasing)
Water bottle
Do I need to provide school supplies?
No, instead each family is asked to pay a supplies fee. If this presents a financial hardship, you can pay what you are able to. A SchoolPay link will be sent to you at the beginning of the school year to submit this fee.
When will I find out my student’s assigned teacher/classroom?
Your teacher will reach out and introduce themselves by the Friday before Labor Day, ~1 week before school. A family connection meeting will also be scheduled.
How does Lunch work?
Students may bring food from home or purchase lunch. Breakfast is also available for purchase. Note that refrigeration and reheating of food is not possible.
To purchase lunch, funds need to be deposited into an account on PayPams. Families in need can apply for free/reduced lunch through this application.
Visit the SPS reduced meals website for information on income levels to qualify. When students qualify, it helps with our school’s funding, so please apply if you think your child might qualify.
Lunch time is short!
More details including online payment and menus at the SPS Culinary Services website.
PK students will eat lunch in the classroom.
What is a typical school day schedule?
This varies by classroom but generally:
Circle time at start or end of day
Learning blocks for each subject
Music, Art, or PE
Morning Recess
Lunch and Lunch Recess
Afternoon recess
After School Options
What after-school care and activities options are there?
The PTSA sponsors After School Enrichment options at John Hay. You can review the offerings and register here until Sept 16 for fall 2024: https://www.6crickets.com/schools/US/WA/East-Queen-Anne/John-Hay-Elementary-School/913?refer&school=913&utm_medium=school&utm_source=schools&type=any&include_sold_out=&page=1&any_grade=&any_date=#programs
The Kids Co. (end of day to 6PM) program runs in the cafeteria, gym, and playground. More info: https://www.kidscompany.org/site_locations/john-hay/
NOTE: Kids Co. is available for K-5 students only, not PK students. There is currently a waitlist for 2024-2025.
How does my child get to after-school care or enrichment?
Volunteer parents, teachers, and staff coordinate and ensure your student gets to where they need to go. You do not need to be present to assist in the transition from school.
To ensure the success of our Enrichment Program, we're seeking one volunteer per day (5 total) to assist with chaperoning students from their classrooms to their enrichment activities. The time commitment is ~30 minutes. Your support during this time will be greatly appreciated! If you're interested, please reach out to enrichment@johnhayptsa.org.
How does pickup from after school enrichment or Kidsco work?
Kidsco pickup is through the 2nd Ave cafeteria door (ring the doorbell) or on the playground.
Enrichment pickup is in the front of school unless otherwise specified by an enrichment provider.
Communication and administration
How do I communicate with my student's teacher?
All teachers are available by email. You may also be able to chat with them at drop-off or pick-up.
What is a room parent?
A room parent is a volunteer who helps support and provide an additional communication point between the teacher and PTSA, and families. This includes sending out additional communication and event reminders, updates about classroom activities, and they may also organize additional social events.
When is the school office open?
8:30-4:00 Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
8:30-3:00 Wednesdays
How can I contact the school office?
Main Office: 206-252-2100
Fax: 206-252-2101
Who are the administrators and office staff?
Principal: Jerid Morisco, jsmorisco@seattleschools.org
Office manager: Daisy Grant-Lukas, adgrantlukas@seattleschools.org
Office assistant: Mersina Ruediger, mkruediger@seattleschools.org
Nurse: Kim Chin, krchin@seattleschools.org
Social Worker: Amanda Simington, adsimington@seattleschools.org
Full staff list on SPS website: https://hayes.seattleschools.org/staff/
Where can I look for school communications?
Jaguar Tracks (weekly newsletter by email)
Room parent emails
PTSA emails
Red folders (sent home daily with communications from teachers, school, PTSA)
Volunteering and involvement
How can I get involved or volunteer?
Join the PTSA! It's free! - johnhayptsa.org/join
Become a room parent for your student’s classroom. Reach out to your teacher if interested.
Volunteer for planning and/or staffing community events.
No prior training or clearance is needed for school events outside school hours.
Volunteer to support the school as a lunch or recess monitor, safety patrol and more. Contact the office or Principal Morisco (jsmorisco@seattleschools.org) for more details. Some positions are compensated.
An application is required for chaperoning or volunteering in support of activities during the school day. See more information here, allow 2 weeks for processing: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/volunteer/volunteer-application-process/#02b7e1db0ec7
What does the PTSA do?
We partner with and support the teachers, staff, and community through fundraising to support school staff, organizing community events and after-school enrichment programs, engaging the community through diverse communication channels, scholarships for families in need, and much more.
What is the time commitment?
As much or as little as you want!
Who is on the PTSA Board?
President: Michael Hill, president@johnhayptsa.org
Vice President: Erika Rubenson, vp@johnhayptsa.org
Treasurer: Greg Szeto, treasurer@johnhayptsa.org
Secretary: Open
Events Chair: Open
Communications Chair: Heather Camm, communications@johnhayptsa.org
After School Enrichment Chair: Open
FACE Co-Chair (English): Open
FACE Co-Chair (Spanish): Leyla Fiorito, FACE@johnhayptsa.org
Reflections Chair: Lisa Gray, reflections@johnhayptsa.org